Libertine-Libertine Meets Jean-Frédéric
Libertine-Libertine meets Jean-Frédéric Bistagne from French wine house Maravilhas - The man behind our first wine collaboration for the premiere of Jour du Voleur.
Undoubtedly something was in the air in 2009.
Libertine-Libertine was founded in a small apartment in Copenhagen and meanwhile in France, Jean-Frédéric Bistagne felt the winds changing in his life.
After years with a professional career in tech hardware, the urge to live closer to nature and experiment with wine-making became more and more persistant.
The quest for a life with a metíer in wine had begun.
Jean-Frédéric’s highest priority was to find organic and biodynamic fields in areas that were reachable financially and which would allow him and his wife to create exactly the spirited wines they were longing for.
Having been introduced to the many facets of the Cinsault grapes the couple decided to move forward with an alternative proposal to the traditional rosé wine - a “vin de soif” - a wine of fruit and elegance ideal for demanding thirst.
When asked about the house name Maravilhas, Jean-Frédéric refers to it as the perception of ‘wonderland’. A wonderland of possibility and curiosity.

Libertine-Libertine’s first encounter with Maravilhas happened through Victor Monchamp from Copenhagen based wine temple Paris90 and his introduction of the red wine ‘Canto Bruno’.
The anecdote which the Voleur de Vin concept derives from.
When asked about this particular wine Jean-Frédéric paints the picture of a quite dramatic harvesting season with unstoppable rain in the horizon which forced the team to harvest the Mourvédre grapes premature.
But during the co-fermentation with Grenache grapes an unpredicted and delicate marriage was born and a wine of strength and beauty slowly surfaced.
The distinct character immediately reminded the couple of the ‘Canto Bruno’ anecdotes from the port of 16th century Marseille where the workers handling the wine barrels were often seen singing with dark lips having stolen wine through long slim straws.
The Voleur de Vin rosé is made from 100% Cinsault grapes in a fresh, soft and uplifting style.
A glass to revenge a long winter.
May the journey continue.